Joe Reeder
Legal Counsel
Joe R. Reeder’s distinguished career as an attorney, whose clients include countries, international corporations and law firms, was highlighted with 4 years as the 14th Under Secretary of the Army, where he served essentially as the Army’s COO, with specific responsibilities for long range planning, material requirements, readiness, acquisition reform, infrastructure reduction, and financial management of the Army. Joe also led the Army’s international affairs initiatives, with emphasis on NATO, Panama, and Latin America. He served 3 years as Chairman of the Panama Canal Commission’s Board of Directors where he oversaw a massive, multibillion dollar infrastructure program. Joe also oversaw military support to local, state and federal agencies related to civilian law enforcement, civil disturbance, disaster relief, and emergency planning as Army Undersecretary. Joe also served on the 5-member DOD Base Realignment Closure (BRAC) Council.

Major General George F. Close, USA (Ret.)
Advisory Board
General Close’s career spans both the private and public sectors. In addition to serving on Redwood Global’s Board of Advisors, General Close is currently the president of the Spectrum Group. Previously, the General has served as CEO and president of multiple companies in the security, consulting, and construction sectors and was the General Manager of DynCorp’s largest strategic business unit.
Prior to his corporate experience, General Close served a 30-year career with the U.S. Army. He retired from the Joint Staff as the J-7, responsible to the CJCS for the integration of all deliberate war plans, joint training and doctrine, and education of the Armed Services. He also served as the executive agent for the DoD-wide program entitled Joint Vision 2020, leading the development of and strategic planning for military transformational activities to support the future U.S. joint forces.

Jack O’Neill Colonel, USA (Ret.)
Business Development and Capture Strategy
Colonel O’Neill’s 30-year career with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers culminated in his serving as Director, Army Staff Office of the Chief of Engineers. He led diverse programs and projects spanning military construction (MILCON), stevedoring, civil works, countermine and counter-IED programs, and military bridging.
After retiring from active duty, Colonel O’Neill worked as Business Development Manager at Hughes Aircraft Company before serving as the Executive Director of The Army Engineer Association (AEA), managing P&L and overall AEA support to the U.S. Army Engineer Regiment, its alumni, and its industry partners. He maintains a robust professional network spanning senior engineers in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard, and contacts in hundreds of private sector companies and firms that do business with the DoD engineering community.

Joshua Johnson
Josh Johnson brings more than two decades of public and private leadership and expertise to industry, state and local governments, nonprofits, and foundations. His work spans the defense industrial base, social impact financing, economic development, transatlantic issues, acquisition and growth strategies, coalition development, and energy development and procurement. He currently leads two coalitions focusing on state and local efforts to strengthen their defense industrial base, with options to improve NATO member defense readiness and spending.
Before joining LSI, Josh worked for the U.S. Congress serving in senior level positions in the House and Senate including staff director of a House subcommittee. During his tenure he helped negotiate and move more than 110 project and program authorizations that became public law. He was also directly involved in organizing more than 140 legislative and oversight hearings. Josh has a master’s degree from the London School of Economics and a master’s in national security and strategic studies from the U.S. Naval War College.